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One possible outputs when considering the Kano Model is to organize the requirements, then “process” them by translating them to technical product or service characteristics and parameters.
QFD can help this effort. In this 60 minute content rich Webinar, the House of Quality (HOQ) which is the most recognized and utilized tool in the QFD Methodology will be thoroughly explained with examples. Learn how the HOQ works as well as how other critical QFD tools compliment and integrate with the HOQ. The webinar covers all of the common “rooms” as well as give specific advice on how to make the process practical and effective. Topics include:
- What QFD is and is not,
- What the House of Quality (HOQ) is and is not,
- The relationship between QFD and the HOQ,
- The relationship between the Kano Model and the House of Quality
- A Step by Step flowchart on how to create your HOQ,
- Overview and examples of all the “rooms” in the HOQ,The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP),
- Customer Requirements “Root Needs”
- Importance Ratings
- Customer Perceptions,
- Developing Metrics,
- Competitive Data (Perceptions),
- Competitive Data (Metrics),
- The Relationship Room,
- Determining Optimum Targets,
- Assessing Difficulty,
- Understanding Conflicts and Opportunities,
- Optional Rooms and Mandatory Rooms
- HOQ Shortcuts and tools for efficiency,
- Prioritizing Resources,
- How to Analyze a completed chart
- What the subsequent phases look like
- … and much more advice!