This website was created to help individuals and organizations understand the power and utility of the Kano Model and best practices that relate and can enhance the output of anyone interested in using Dr. Kano’s methods. We also introduce additional tools that can be used before, during, and after the Kano Model. Please look around and email questions to
Dave Verduyn
President of C2C Solutions Inc. and creator of this website.
Over 21 years industry experience in Design and Systems Engineering, Technical Instruction, Product Development Consulting & Technical Course Development.
Since 1983 he has trained over 10,000 engineers & product developers in leading Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Methods including Systematic Innovation, VOC, QFD, eQFD, TRIZ, FMEA, CAD, VA/VE, and more. Dave met Dr. Kano for the first time in 1990 while working at Ford Motor Company. Since then he has been using and teaching the Kano Model and numerous other best practices used in the front end of product development.
Dave has a broad range of practical experience including Automotive, Consumer and Industrial products, Medical Systems, Defense and Service Industries. He splits his time between Client Workshops, In-House Training, Research, Course Development, and “Hands On” Project based Consulting.
His relaxed and practical approach to education, clear communication skills, and “Down to Earth” teaching style, has earned him very high recognition with his industry clients.